Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Leamington
Today, while driving on Hwy#3 heading toward Leamington, a light MINT coloured SMART CAR turned right in front of us never realizing we were on coming, due to 2 vehicles in the turning lane that blocked their view.
Please don't take chances with your lives or other people's lives! Don't turn unless you KNOW it is safe to do so!
If you know someone who may own this vehicle, please pass this important message on. Today, my daughter, myself and definitely this person could have all easily been a statistic on that Hwy.
Thank you to the lovely human that gave Tim Hortons $100 this morning to pay for strangers orders. Thank you for making my day brighter. My teenager was also in the truck, what a beautiful experience for her to see.
Shoutout to a sweet lady who gave me napkins and doggie bags to clean up after my sick cat last Tuesday at the vet. I really, really appreciate it and just wanted to say thank you again!
PS- I hope your dog is doing good❤️😊
To the car infront of me this morning Saturday September 18th at approximately 7:45am at the Erie Street South Tim hortons, thank you from the bottom of my heart for buying us timbits. I've had a rough week and you definitely put a smile on my face. My kids are enjoying the timbits you blessed them with. ❤
A big shout out goes out to Fletchers Cleaners for going above and beyond to help our daughter Nicole out of a mess with a bridesmaid that was hemmed 1 1/ 2 inches too long by someone out of the area, the wedding was in 3 day's , she called Maureen about 5 minutes before closing, she was told to bring the dress in with the amount inches to be hemmed up and she would have done on Friday one day before the wedding, and the miracle happend she came through. You were able to put a smile on her face on the wedding day. Small buisness at it's best, thank you so much Maureen and Jeff.
To the anonymous women who paid our bill at Chuck's Roadhouse tonight, thank you so much! It is rare that we visit a restaurant with our entire family and we are very grateful for your kindness and generosity.
I'm a female over 50 looking for information to see if anyone knows of a one or two bedroom apartment to rent has to be small pet friendly..(Not sharing a room with anyone) need my own place.
need it before june 15 2021 A.S.A.P