Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Leamington
I wanted to thank whoever turned in my iPad, it's black zip case and the contents under the flap. It occurred Friday December 4th in the afternoon at Canadian Tire in Essex. My local store was out of stock on the item I wanted, so I made the trip to Essex. I was chatting with the cashier at the time, noticed I was running late, and in my rush I left my iPad, case and gloves after grabbing my purse. Thank you so much mystery person. The iPad is old, but has all my grandkids photos, photos of my deceased father who I love dearly and my appointments scheduled for the next few months. I was told when I called that a customer found it and turned it in.
Still so many honest people today! Thanks again.
l can't thank you enough. So happy to have it back. Bless you for your honesty and may you have a wonderful Christmas.
Both the Leaminton OPP and Martin Varela, Chair of the Migrant Worker Community Program, got together this afternoon to create a video in English and Spanish especially for agricultural workers. This came in an effort to create more awareness in as many Spanish speaking agricultural workers as possible and to help them to comply with the provincial orders in place to stop the spread of COVID-19. Great team work!!
Venue change - from the Leamington Kinsmen Recreation Complex to Leamington Lebanese Club. Please note: At present, we are accepting only scheduled appointments to help minimize the number of people at the donor centre. We ask eligible donors to book an appointment on-line at, on the GiveBlood app, or by calling 1 888 2 DONATE or 1 888 236 6283 Thank you.
Thank you to the opp officer that gave all the kids at my sons bus stop free Froster today!
The Southpoint Peewee AE team is working with the SECC to gather winter outerwear for the local community in the Coars for Kids drive and as part of their good deed for the Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup! Stop by the arena on Saturday Nov 2 between 9 and 12 to drop off any gently used coats to the kids!!
To the officer that attended my daughter's fender bender today, had a big heart! My daughter's phone was almost dead, the officer let her use their phone to keep in contact with us. She planned on driving it home but with the damage and strong winds, and less than 7% battery on her phone, the officer insisted the vehicle be towed so she can get home safely to her loved ones. Twin Oaks Towing was quick and a little bonus, the tow truck driver had a charger for her phone, lol. He dropped her vehicle off at the Dr, and then gave her a ride home!! Crappy to have the mini accident, awesome service from great people from Windsor to home! And not to mention, the guy she hit was very understanding as they waited for the police they almost seen 3 more fender benders in the same spot.