Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Leamington



Leamington, ON Monday February 11th, 2019 at 4:41 PM

Around 12:45pm on Monday February 11th, I ran in to the hospital with my 8 month old daughter who was having a scary allergic reaction. It is now 3:45, we're home safe and sound, and I have so many people I want to thank!
First, to the 3 women waiting to go into triage ahead of me. They saw how frantic and terrified I was, so they helped to calm me down and assured me my daughter was going to be okay. One of them happened to be a nurse herself, and she reassured me that my baby's colour looked okay and that her crying meant she was still breathing. They all insisted I go ahead of them in triage, even though it was busy in emerg and they would have to wait longer. How selfless! I hope at least one of them reads this, and if so, please know that I am SO grateful for your kindness!
Second, to the entire team at Erie Shores Healthcare. I can't say enough good things about the care we received today! They admitted us immediately after triage, and we were greeted by the sweetest, most friendly and attentive nurse, I believe his name was David. He was amazing with my shy little girl and couldn't stop gushing about how excited he was to have such a cute patient. He begged to stay with us, but was needed elsewhere. Then we had another awesome nurse named Kim, she was very kind. And lastly, the incredible doctor we had, I wish I could remember his name. He took such good care of us and was very helpful and informative. He even called me personally when I got home to say he'd feel better if he could send in a prescription for an EpiPen for her, just in case something happens again before we see the allergist he referred us to.
And I can't forget the rest of the staff members that would walk by or pop in just to say hi to her and remark on her cuteness. We encountered so many friendly people today!
As a first time mom, this was the scariest experience of my life, but I am beyond thankful for all the wonderful people who helped us through it!

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