Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Leamington



Leamington, ON Tuesday November 17th, 2015 at 4:17 PM

What is wrong with you?!

This is a spotting that i read on the news. This was my Facebook post and I'm sharing it because i want the Toronto people to see it as well. I'm disgusted and i hope the city of Toronto is disgusted as well

No! Not okay! What is wrong with people! If you agree with an act like this because of the terrorism that's been happening, then take your head out of your ass and stop being racist! When you act like this, you are being the SAME as the terrorist INDIVIDUALS! There are bad PEOPLE in the work NOT bad CULTURES! You can NOT lump together people of the same culture and region and blame them for the actions of others! This woman could ( and most likely) was against the killings that have been happening and now you've terrorized her and her family! Great job.... So by YOUR logic we should now beat up every Toronto resident because since YOU terrorized this woman all other Toronto people are terrorizers as swell.. right? DO NOT START THESE HATE CRIMES OR THIS WAR WILL NEVER BE SOLVED AND HUMANITY WILL BE LOST.


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