Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Leamington



Leamington, ON Saturday January 16th, 2016 at 7:50 AM

Tim Hortons

Thought I was having a bad day and it was only 7:35 a.m. when I got into line at the Tim Hortons in front of the Freschco. I placed my order and when I got up to pay, the nice girl said no charge the vehicle ( I think it was a Nissan) in front of you paid. So a big thank you for changing my thoughts for the day, and if you are reading this, I in turn paid for the person behind me as an random act of kindness. Again thank you for that lovely gesture, I am now having a better day and it is only 7:50 a.m. But you were spotted. I hope you have a fabulous week!

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